
Episode #198: A Conversation about Worship

Saints Peter and Paul - Houghton, MI

One of the things that Christian churches (and Christians in general) are most known for is their public worship. For a lot of people, that's all that they know about Christians. "Those are the people who go to the church on Sunday mornings." Obviously, if you're a Christian, you know that our Christian walk is all-encompassing of our life. It's not just relegated to the one hour on Sunday mornings. 

And yet, that one hour on Sunday mornings is still VERY significant. But, why? 

Perhaps you've heard people say, or even said yourself, "Why do I need to go to church on Sunday to be a Christian? I can believe in Jesus and just worship him on my own." Is that really possible? 

In this week's conversation, we're going to discuss ideas like that and others that people have about Christian public worship. 

We hope you enjoy it!