Join the Pastors and staff of Saints Peter and Paul church, Houghton, MI, and various individuals for Conversate. Each week, we will sit down and have conversations that generally start from the sermon theme of the week. Join us as we model to you how you too can have Spiritual conversations with those you come in contact with. We hope you enjoy it!
Episode #175: A Conversation about How God's Laws are NOT Burdensome
Saints Peter and Paul - Houghton, MI
In this week's episode, Aaron and Kevin are discussing 1 John chapter 5 where John says that God's laws are not burdensome.
That is hard for us to imagine. We always imagine that laws will be a burden on us. So, what does it meant that God's laws are not burdensome?
It means that we will actually love God's laws and want to do them because we recognize that they're good for us and good for the world. But, this change of heart will not come of our own doing, it will only come through the transformation by the Holy Spirit.
As always, it's our goal that you'll hear something in this conversation and start another conversation with someone else.
We hope you enjoy it!